Lately iv been really inspired by.....feathers. Im kinda thinking about one for my next tattoo.
I haven't shot a whole lot lately, and what I have shot I don't really love. Hopefully after reading week ill post some of my photos again. Until then, some more from a shoot with my roommate a while ago:
I was I could have been a teenager in the 70's and seen Rock and Roll when it was new and exiting and pure. I want to be William Miller from the movie. Now music is only a business and bands can't even sell records. Bah.
On another note, here's the images I used for my book project. (I didn't make them)
This blog is mostly just for me to post art/photos/music I like. Mostly art though. And sometimes pessimistic ramblings.
My interests include,
Beer, Coffee and Music.
But also buying magazines, vintage shopping, photography, buying more art than I have room for, going to more shows than I have money for, renting movies, etc.