So my friend and I went and saw the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus last week. I havent heard them since high school when their music became popular, and I was pretty stoked on seeing The Sleeping open for them. It was actually one of the best shows Iv seen in a while. Out of the hundreds Iv probably been to this one will stand out in my mind for sure. There were like 40-50 people at this show which I thought was kind of insane.(They have sold out huuuge rooms in the past). I had really wanted to bring my new camera but figured it would be too packed to get a good shot without going early (which I can never bring myself to do). So anyways. Since there was no one there, the band decided, fuck the set list, were going to take requests all night. Which was actually so cool, I havent seen any band do that before. The singer actually told us for a few songs he may forget the words because he hadnt sang some of the songs in so long. And for some, the rest of the band left the stage and the singer sang acoustic because they hadnt practiced that song together recently. He also started a weezer cover and stopped half way through just because he wasnt feelin it anymore. I dont know why but this really impressed me. I guess it reminded me why I love small shows. And any band that could have that great a show for 40 people and not be mad about the turnout is amazing. They were so happy just to play infront of anyone and gave us all free cds after. I have definatly met and worked with some asshole musicians in my life, but they made me realize why I put up with the music business. And all this came from freaking Red Jumpsuit Apparatus holy shit.
If you read all that Im sorry. and thank you. For your trouble, you can now enjoy Luke Painter's work: